Development of Creative Potential of Students Preparing for Pedagogical Activity


Komarova Maria Yurievna, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of Department of Russian Language and General Education Disciplines, ORCID:, Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Irkutsk National Research Technical University

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Abstract. Introduction. Currently, one of the crucial objectives is to train highly professional, socially adaptable teachers capable to comprehensively assess the pedagogical situation at different levels, fl exibly combine traditional and innovative approaches to training and educating, formulate a problem, and quickly make a decision. This paper focuses on the development of professional and personal qualities of a modern teacher, which can be defi ned as creative potential.

Materials and methods. This research considers the main components of the creative potential of a person (intellectual, motivational, communicative, and inventive), as well as their development through a system of training sessions within extracurricular activities. The pedagogical team, as a form of extracurricular activities of students, is the most favorable educational and social environment with highly communicative and motivating characteristics that contribute to the development of students’ creative potential. The research employed the methods of theoretical modeling; theoretical and methodological analysis of psychological, pedagogical, philosophical, and methodological literature; and studies on the problem of creativity theory. It also involved pedagogical observation, individual and group discussions with students, self-diagnosis, expert analysis, methods of mathematical decision theory, and methods of mathematical statistics. The aim of the formative experiment on the development of creative potential was to build a system of classes aimed primarily at the development of inventive and communicative components of an individual. The maturity levels of the creative potential components were analyzed by comparing them at the beginning and end of the experiment.

Research result. A comparative analysis of the results obtained at the stage of summative and formative experiments proved the effectiveness of educational and pedagogical effects on the development of creative potential, especially its inventive component.

Conclusion. The fi ndings of the research indicate a trend to the interdependence and interaction of individual components of the creative potential. They open up new opportunities for research in the fi eld of pedagogical creativity which should be developed to achieve the aims and follow the trends of the modern school.

Keywords: creativity, creative thinking, creative behavior, creative potential.

For citation:  Komarova M. Yu. Development of Creative Potential of Students Preparing for Pedagogical Activity. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(2): 249-261

UDС: 37.036.5

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-2-249-261


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