Support of Self-Education in a Distance Retraining Program of Tutors


Tatiana A. Klimova, Junior Researcher of Research-Educational Center, ORCID, Tomsk State University

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Abstract. Introduction. The paper addresses the issue of support of the students involved in a fully online retraining program, which imposes special requirements on the development of the self-education ability. The study aims to establish the conditions for organizing the support of self-education in a digital educational environment.

Materials and methods. The study relies on the methodology proposed by G. N. Prozumentova for reconstructing the innovative experience to analyze the reflexive text materials of the Logbook of students of the retraining program; to identify the points of stress, misunderstanding, breaks, and transitions during training; and make an analytical generalization.

Results of the study. Categories of difficulties encountered by students of the program in their self-educational activity were identified, and the conditions necessary to support self-education were established. These are points of self-determination, professional trials, points of reflection, and individual educational route.

Conclusion. In the context of restrictive measures during the pandemic and the transition to the online educational process, self-skills related to self-education, i.e., self-organization, independence, and self-determination, become essential. These competences are an indispensable part of the work of a tutor. However, before the tutor can support someone, they need to build these self skills themselves. The established conditions in the retraining programs will facilitate this process. At the same time, additional studies are required to reveal in more detail the individual progress of a person under these conditions for building a model for supporting the development of self-education ability, and to determine the methods for tutors to provide the support of this progress.

Keywords. Self-education, self-determination, individual educational route, professional retraining, tutor, digital environment, self skills.

For citation: Klimova T. A. Support of Self-Education in a Distance Retraining Program of Tutors. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2020; 14(4): 719–728. DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-4-719-728

UDС: 378.046.4 +37.041

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2020-14-4-719-728

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