A. A. Bryantsev’s Pedagogical Ideas in the Period of Soviet School Reform (the 1920s)


Nikita A. Drozdov, Post-Graduate Student of Department of Theory and History, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3861-2382, Pedagogy the Herzen State Pedagogical University

48 Moika Embankment (Naberezhnaya of the River Moyka), St. Petersburg, Russia, 191186, tel.: +7 (812) 3124492, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. The paper deals with the main pedagogical ideas of A.A. Bryantsev, the founder of the first Theater for Young Spectators (TYS), which were spread during the period of reforms in the education system in the 1920s.

The paper aims to reveal the pedagogical ideas of the first artistic director of the theatre.

Materials and Methods. The methodology of the study is based on the sociocultural approach using the biographical method. Materials from the archive and museum of St. Petersburg Theatre for Young Spectators named after A.A. Bryantsev, the Central State Archive of Literature and Art of St. Petersburg; autobiography and articles by A.A.Bryantsev; a biography dedicated to the artistic director of the Theatre for Young Spectators, S.D. Zeltser; research works on the history of the Soviet school in the 1920s by Elena Kolosova and Natalia Fedorova were reviewed and analyzed.

Results of the study. The main normative documents, and the events, which strengthened the significance of the ties between the theatre and schools of the city, are listed. The description of the consequences of the reforms allows identifying the specifics and possibilities of the activity of A.A. Bryantsev and teachers of St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) TYS during the period under study. As conceived by the founders, Leningrad Theatre for Young Spectators was created as an educationally oriented theater. The study has considered pedagogical principles of the Leningrad Theatre for Young Spectators and traced the main landmarks of the Theatre’s development in the 1920s, namely, the first performance “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” the organization of its pedagogical activity, and the establishment of the Assembly of Delegates. The main objectives to be accomplished by the pedagogical activity of the theatre and the delegates of the Theatre have been presented as the basic links between the theatre and school. The role and significance of theatrical performance in the educational work of the theatre and the performance requirements imposed by the artistic director of the TYS are outlined. The evidence that the spectator is the pivot of the creation, selection, and delivery of performances is examined.

Conclusions. The ideas of A.A. Bryantsev are reflected in the organization of pedagogical work and Assembly of Delegates at the Theatre for Young Spectators, in the implementation of the concept of “theatre-home” for children, in the involvement of different social groups in the discussion of educational issues, and in the dissemination of positive experience of Leningrad Theatre for Young Spectators all over the world.

Keywords: Pedagogical ideas, A.A. Bryantsev, Leningrad Theatre for Young Spectators, Soviet school, the 1920s

For citation: Drozdov N. A. A. A. Bryantsev’s Pedagogical Ideas in the Period of Soviet School Reform (the 1920s). Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2022; 16(3): 268-277. (In Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.32343/2409-5052-2022-16-3-268-277

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2022-16-3-268-277

UDС: 37.4

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