Organizational and Conceptual Aspects of Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnosis of Blind Children


Nadezhda P. Polyakova, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Docent of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Complex Rehabilitation of the Institute of Special Education and Psychology,, Moscow City Pedagogical University

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Abstract. Introduction. Based on the data obtained during the psychological and pedagogical diagnostic tests of blind children, their individual correctional and educational trajectory is built. The specific features of blind children due to profoundly impaired or absent vision have a significant impact on both the objectivity of the assessment and the productivity of the entire psychological and pedagogical diagnosis procedure.

The paper aims to reveal the organizational and conceptual aspects of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of visually impaired children. The following objectives were defined to achieve the aim:

– to study the theoretical aspects of the problem under consideration;

– to reveal the specifics of the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of blind children, which determines the content of diagnostic tools and the nature of the results obtained;
– to present the mechanism for organizing psychological and pedagogical diagnosis and the procedure for the selection of stimulus material.

Materials and methods. The work on the paper involved the use of analytical methods (retrospective analysis of scientific literature) and practical methods (personal long-term experience in training and advanced training of teaching staff in the special education system). The results of the study. Based on the vast research experience, a procedure for the construction and implementation of psychological and pedagogical diagnostic tests of blind children is proposed. The examination procedure implemented during the class is divided into two stages. The first (main) stage suggests that the subjects form elementary ideas about the materials and objects which they will then have to perform manipulations with. Children are introduced to the algorithm of work. This necessity is due to their limited sensory experience and the ideas formed on its basis, which prevent the development of substantive and practical actions. The second (test) stage of the class involves diagnosis of the blind children.

Conclusion. The proposed approach to the implementation of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of blind children can be applied by learning support specialists (special education teachers, visual impairment teachers, speech therapists, and psychologists) working with blind children at all levels of education.

Keywords: blind children, support specialist, psychological and pedagogical diagnosis, lesson structure, examination procedure

For citation: Polyakova N. P. Organizational and Conceptual Aspects of Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnosis of Blind Children. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2022; 16(4): 398-407. (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 376.3

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