Pedagogical Approaches to the Development of Optimism: Experience of Comparative Analysis of Makarenko-Rogers’ Ideas


Yulia V. Andreeva, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science, History, Theory of State and Law,, Bashkir Institute of Social Technologies

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Abstract. Introduction. Finding optimism oriented systems of education and upbringing is one of the urgent problems as there is a need to develop approaches that would guide modern systems of upbringing and education to the joy and new opportunities of those who study, as well as ensure success in educational activities.

Materials and Methods. Comparative analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization and pedagogical interpretation of C. Rogers and A. Makarenko’s ideas.

Results. The pedagogical principles and conditions for the development of optimism are presented on the basis of comparative characteristics of A. Makarenko-C. Rogers’ humanistic ideas.

Discussion. A comparative analysis revealed an amazing similarity between the two approaches to the person by A. Makarenko and C. Rogers. The key in them remains the principle of self-worth of the individual, which takes the form of unconditional acceptance of the child by C. Rogers and demanding love by A. Makarenko. Such principles give rise to a certain system of relations of cooperation between the teacher and the pupil, provide rationale for creating favourable pedagogical conditions in which the optimistic faith of those who teach is confirmed and the possibility of success is provided for those who study. The growth of self-esteem and the new desires and hopes it generates reinforces the person’s optimistic will to live.

Conclusion. Pedagogical optimism can be learned; it should be developed and maintained at the first stage of the teacher’s professional development.

Keywords: humanistic principles, optimism, success, situation of success, pedagogical conditions

For citation: Andreeva Yu. V. Pedagogical Approaches to the Development of Optimism: Experience of Comparative Analysis of Makarenko-Rogers’ Ideas. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH =

Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (1): 15-24. (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 371.4

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