Study of the Possibilities of Speech Hearing Development in Noise Conditions in Primary School Students with Hearing Impairment


Ekaterina N. Gorina, Candidate of Sciences (Sociology), Assistant Professor of Department of Correctional Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychological-Pedagogical and Special Education,, Author ID: 665551, Researcher ID: D-8596-2013, N. G. Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University

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Abstract. Introduction. The article presents the results of the study that substantiates the necessity and expediency of introducing into the methodology for the development of auditory perception of students with hearing impairments of primary school age work on the development of speech hearing in noise conditions (selective hearing).

Materials and Methods. The content of the article is based on the study of the possibilities of developing speech hearing using noise interference in 4th grade students with a severity of hearing loss of the 3rd and 4th grades. The pedagogical experiment was used as the main research method. The diagnosis of the level and features of the development of auditory perception in conditions of additional noise, as well as the development and implementation of a set of remedial classes on the development of selective hearing, are based on the methods of L.P. Nazarova and E.P. Kuzmicheva.

Results. The revealed insufficient level of development of speech hearing in the experimental sample with background noise served as the basis for the preparation and implementation of a set of remedial classes for the development of selective hearing. The effectiveness of the work carried out was confirmed by a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data obtained.

Discussion and conclusion. The positive dynamics of the development of speech hearing in noisy conditions constitute grounds for the expediency of the presented work. Its practical significance, confirmed by us, allows us to recommend a set of corrective exercises for implementation in the classroom for the development of speech hearing in children with hearing impairments of primary school age.

Keywords: auditory perception, students with hearing impairments, speech hearing, selective hearing, correctional work

For citation: Gorina E.N. Study of the Possibilities of Speech Hearing Development in Noise Conditions in Primary School Students with Hearing Impairment. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (2):193-203. (In Russ.). DOI:


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