Features of the Attitude to Mentoring Activities of Subjects in the System of Additional Education for Children


Tatiana V. Glazkova, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Head of the Center for the Development of Additional Education, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9718-4544, Author ID: 297888,

Institute for the Development of Education of the Irkutsk region

10A Krasnokazachya St, Irkutsk, Russia, 664007, tel: +7 (3952)500904, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. The revival of the institute of mentoring is included in the federal projects “Modern School”, “Success of Every Child”, “Teacher of the Future”, “Social Elevators for Everyone”, and “Young Professionals” of the national project “Education”. Strategic directions and methodology for the implementation of mentoring in educational organizations are provided by the regulatory and methodological framework at the federal level; however, each type of education (general, professional, and additional) has its own specifics, thus, the introduction of the institute of mentoring in the system of additional education for children has its own characteristics and requires additional consideration. In this regard, an ascertaining study was conducted in order to identify the specifics of the attitude to mentoring of participants in the educational process in the system of additional education for children. This article describes the conducted research, an analysis of the results obtained and the preparation of recommendations for further work on the organization of mentoring activities in institutions of additional education for children.

Materials and methods. The object of the study is the attitude of participants of the educational process (teaching staff of the system of additional education for children, students and their parents) to mentoring activities conducted as a part of the implementation of additional general education programs. In the course of the research, the following tasks were solved: theoretical analysis of scientific approaches to mentoring through the prism of additional education for children; development of a questionnaire for participants of the educational process in the system of additional education for children, aimed at identifying their attitude to mentoring; analysis of the results of the questionnaire and preparation of recommendations for the subsequent introduction of mentoring forms optimal for additional education for children.

Results. Survey results: the positive attitude of the subjects of the educational process to mentoring in the system of additional education for children and the motivational readiness to introduce mentoring in the educational process were revealed; the requirements for the personal and professional characteristics of the teacher were determined; the main directions of mentoring activities in the implementation of additional general education programs were formulated.

Discussion and conclusion. The analysis of the research results made it possible to determine the mentoring organization method involving children and parents in the role of mentor in mentoring pairs “student – student”, “student – teacher”, “student – carrier of the profession” as the specifics of mentoring activities in the system of additional education and to formulate their main directions in the implementation of an additional general education program: preparation for competitive events, events and building interpersonal relationships in a creative association (if there are special conditions). Taking into account the results obtained, revealing the specifics of motivation, content and direction of mentoring activities in the system of additional education for children, and the requirements for personal and professional characteristics of the teacher, a phased solution of the tasks of modeling and implementing a regional model of mentoring in the system of additional education for children is offered.

Keywords: mentor, mentoring, mentoring activity, mentoring pair, additional education for children, pedagogical support, tutor support

For citation: Glazkova T.V. Features of the Attitude to Mentoring Activities of Subjects in the System of Additional Education for Children. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (3): 317-329. (In Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.32343/2409-5052-2023-17-3-317-329

DOI: : https://doi.org/10.32343/2409-5052-2023-17-3-317-329

UDС: 374

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