Peculiarities of Formation of the Teaching Staff in Ya.G. Gurevich Gymnasium and Real School


Kira V. Romanenchuk, Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Assistant Professor at the Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy,, SPIN-code: 3317-4741, Author ID: 671672, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

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Abstract. Introduction. This article is dedicated to research in the history of Ya.G. Gurevich Gymnasium and Real School; it shows the process of development of the gymnasium’s teaching staff and highlights the main stages and peculiarities of the staff’s formation. The biographies of V.V. Musselius and N.I. Wulf have been recreated through the analysis of an extensive bulk of archival documents. For the first time, information about the pedagogical activity of A.K. Jungmeister at Ya.G. Gurevich private school has been introduced into scientific discourse.

Materials and Methods. The method of source studies allowed us to drastically expand the factual base of knowledge about the history of Ya.G. Gurevich Gymnasium and Real School and recreate the process of teaching staff formation during the period of 1883–1917.

Results. The study demonstrates the personal contribution of Ya.G. and Ya.Ya. Gurevich to the formation of the teaching staff of the educational institution, gives an idea of the teachers’ composition and its changes through the years, shows the significance of N.I. Wulf and V.V. Musselius work. The article describes pedagogical activities of famous philologists I.F. Annensky, S.L. Ptashytsky, and P.I. Weinberg. The article highlights such principles of personnel policy of Ya.G. and Y.Y. Gurevich as recruitment of professional teachers; team-building by common pedagogical approaches and concept; collegial school management of the school through pedagogical councils; moral and material encouragement of the best teachers; meticulous nurturing of their own teaching staff.

Conclusion. In the course of the work, four stages of teaching staff formation of the Gurevich gymnasium were identified as well as a number of its traits were revealed: professionalism, multigenerationalism, polyethnicity.

Keywords: teaching staff, private school, principal, gymnasium, real school, historical and educational source, method of source study

For citation: Romanenchuk K.V. Peculiarities of Formation of the Teaching Staff in Ya.G. Gurevich Gymnasium and Real School. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (4): pp. 470-481 (In Rus.). DOI: 470-481

DOI: 470-481

UDС: 37.08

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