Solving Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Students in Secondary Vocational Educational Institutions Through Correctional and Developmental Classes


Darya V. Kamenskikh, Teacher-Psychologist, Candidate, Angarsk Motor Transport College,, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk

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Abstract. Introduction. The article examines the psychological and pedagogical problems of students in secondary vocational education institutions as well as presents the conditions for their solution.

Materials and methods. Methods such as theoretical analysis of literature, analysis of educational documentation, psychodiagnostics were used in the work. The analysis of the results showed that purposeful psychological work helps to increase the level of adaptive abilities of students in secondary vocational education, stabilize their emotional state, reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, and raise the predominance of internal motivation.

The results. The results of an empirical psychological study of students in secondary vocational education are presented.

Discussion and conclusion. Due to the modern requirements of the labor market for highly qualified specialists and the problems they have, it is necessary to create certain conditions for their solution as well as use different methods of specialist training.

Keywords: secondary vocational education, qualified specialist, psychological support of students, personal, emotional and professional characteristics of students, pedagogical and psychological problems of students in secondary vocational education, poor training, low motivation, cognitive activity, high anxiety, low adaptability

For citation: Kamenskikh D.V. Solving Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Students of Secondary Vocational Educational Institutions Through Correctional and Developmental Classes. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (4): pp. 577-585 (In Rus.). DOI:


UDС: 159.9+377

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