School Openness as a Factor in Shaping Students’ Cognitive Interest


Lyudmila S. Malyutina, Postgraduate Student at the School’s, Pedagogy Department,, SPIN-код: 8215-4942, Author ID: 1185001, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

48 Moyka Emb, St. Petersburg, Russia, 191186, tel: +7 (812) 3124492, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Introduction. Sociocultural conditioning makes education more and more open. Various innovation platforms are created on the basis of educational institutions of the city. One of such platforms is secondary school No. 238 of the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg. The teaching staff of the educational institution decided to develop the idea of increasing the openness of the school. In order to increase students’ involvement in the process of learning, teachers organize meta-events - interesting, personally meaningful activities for students that influence the formation of their value-semantic sphere. The purpose of the article is to identify, on the basis of the conducted research, the incentives for the formation of cognitive interest of adolescents in the context of extracurricular activities. We have put forward the hypothesis that the formation of cognitive interests of adolescents is boosted by the provision of maximum autonomy and the opportunity to choose in the learning activities, non-standard, emotional presentation of material, strengthening of integration and interdisciplinarity, visualization of educational information, and gamifi cation of the learning process.

Materials and Methods. To test the hypothesis and achieve the purpose of the study, we used the method of a questionnaire survey. After the Day of Learning that took place at secondary school No. 238, 177, the students from 5th to 11th grades took part in the questionnaire. The questionnaire included three sets of questions, the answers to which will allow tracing the dynamics of students’ cognitive interests and highlight the features of the event that proved to be the most significant for students.

Results. The analysis of the answers has shown that students of different ages perceived the meta-event differently. This means that the incentives for cognitive interest formation in adolescents of various ages differ. The analysis of the questionnaire results allowed us to identify the following modern incentives for the formation of students’ cognitive interest: the possibility of choice and self-expression, unconventionality, eventfulness, emotionality, visualization of educational information, career guidance component, and gamifi cation of the learning process.

Discussion and Conclusion. Thus, during the research process, the hypothesis we put forward was confirmed. The openness of the school today is becoming a new factor in shaping the cognitive interest of students.

Keywords: school openness, meta-event, cognitive interest, Day of Learning

For citation: For citation: Malyutina L. S. School Openness as a Factor in Shaping Students’ Cognitive Interest. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (1): pp. 16-26 (In

Rus.). DOI:


UDС: 373

The article was submitted to the editorial offi ce on 28.01.2024, approved after review on 17.02.2024, and accepted for publication on 20.02.2024.

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