Modern Teenage Novels by Writers of the Republic of Khakassia: Spiritual and Moral Potential and Relevant Reading Comprehension Practices


Natalia L. Kolchikova, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associated Professor,, Department of Russian Philology and Journalism, N. F. Katanov Khakassian State University

90 Lenin Ave, Abakan, Republic of Khakassia, Russia, 655017, tel: +7 (3902) 223591, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Introduction. In the pedagogical community, there is a growing belief that it is more difficult for teenagers to understand a classical text with outdated poetic words than a modern one. One of the possible ways to overcome this gap is to turn to modern regional literature. The Federal State Educational Standard considers the understanding of literature as one of the main national and cultural values of the people and as a special way of cognizing life to be one of the subject results in literature lessons. The purpose of the study is to reveal the actual moral and educational potential of the modern teenage historical and adventure novel by the writers of the Republic of Khakassia based on the features of historically developed domestic thinking as an ideal-forming one; to identify the peculiarities of students’ perceptions of regional texts; and to find ways to interact reading teenagers with other practices, including creative, communicative, and requiring independence (longread, memes, postcards, and others).

Materials and methods of research. The methodological basis of the research is the works of literary critics including V. M. Zhirmunsky, E. M. Meletinsky, P. A. Troyakov, V. M. Golovko, Yu. V. Shatin, as well as the works of famous methodologists such as E. S. Romanicheva, G. V. Prantsova, N. N. Smetannikova, I. V. Sosnovskaya, etc. The research methods used are the historical and typological method, which involves a comprehensive study of the features of the writer’s work; the historical and functional method, which was used in comparing interpretations of the works of K hakassian authors; and the axiological method which consists in understanding the spiritual and moral potential of modern teenage texts. Research methods are the study of the peculiarities of the perception of regional texts by modern adolescents and the introduction of relevant reading practices, including creative, communicative, and requiring the independence of schoolchildren (longrid, memes, postcards, etc.).

The results. Summarizing the reader’s experience presented in the statements and works of students based on the stories by A. Kotozhekov and V. Balashov, we came to the conclusion that the purpose of children’s and teenage literature as a whole is to form motivation to read, convey meaningful values, identify the necessary skills, and prepare for entering adulthood. In this regard, the stories by modern writers of the Republic of Khaksia, A. Chapraya and V. Balashova in particular, written for a teenage reader, are very modern, with topical moral issues and an action-adventure narrative close to the age of teenagers. During the comprehension of the novels by A. Chapray “The Howl of the Blue Wolf” (2022) and V. Balashov “The Secret Mission of Egudei” (2021), students revealed their distinct humanitarian component and clear spiritual and moral guidelines, which are so important for a teenager. The conducted research confirms the importance of using, along with traditional reading practices, creative, communicative practices that schoolchildren learn on their own creating longreads, memes, postcards, etc. The use of longread technology for a regional text contributes to the actualization of its reading from the position of value-semantic dominants, which is adequate to the challenges of the socio-cultural situation in which schoolchildren of the digital age are growing up.

Keywords: reading practices ,teenage reading, spiritual and moral potential, genre specificity, historical and adventure, novel, longread, meme, essay

For citation: Kolchikova N.L. Modern Teenage Novels by Writers of the Republic of Khakassia:

Spiritual and Moral Potential and Relevant Reading Comprehension Practices //

Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (1): pp. 27-46 (In Rus.). DOI:


UDС: 82-311.3:371

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 08.02.2024, approved after review on

21.02.2024, and accepted for publication on 26.02.2024.

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