Approaches to Definition of the Concept “Subjective Position of the Teacher” and Organizational and Managerial Conditions for Its Development Considering Regional Features


Emilia Ch. Zhambalova, Postgraduate Student,, Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University

24a Smolin St, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, Russia, 670000, tel: +7 (3012) 297170

Vice-Rector for Scientific and Methodological Work, Institute for Educational Development of the Trans-Baikal Territory

1 Frunze St, Chita, Russia, 672007, tel: +7 (3022) 413705, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. The issue of developing the professional competence of a teacher is an object of attention not only in the professional environment but is also of interest to society as a whole. This is due to the fact that only a teacher with a high level of professionalism is able to provide high quality education. What does the process of developing professional competencies depend on? In our opinion, one of the factors in their development is the level of formation of the teacher’s subjective position. The relevance of the study of different approaches to defining the concept of the teacher’s subjective position is conditioned, firstly, by the need to understand the essence of the concept “subjective position of a teacher,” which we consider one of the results of scientific and methodological support; secondly, by searching for an answer to the question of what conditions need to be created to increase the level of development of the teacher’s subjective position. The purpose of the study is to analyze psychological and pedagogical approaches to defining the concept of “subjective position of a teacher”, identify and describe organizational and managerial conditions for its development in the regional system of scientific and methodological support for teaching staff and management personnel in the regions of Russia.

Materials and Methods. The object of the study is the organizational and managerial conditions for the development of subjective position of the teacher. In the process of the research, the following objectives were reached: analyze the scientific literature devoted to psychological and pedagogical approaches to defining the concept of “subjective position of a teacher”; systematize and generalize existing approaches to determining the essence and structure of a teacher’s subjective position; identify and describe the organizational and managerial conditions for the development of the teacher’s subjective position in the regional system of scientific and methodological support for teaching staff and management personnel.

Research results. The article presents an analysis of approaches to defining the concept of “subjective position of a teacher” and identifies the organizational and managerial conditions for its development in the regional system of scientific and methodological support for teaching staff and management personnel. As a result of the study, the author proposed a refined concept of “teacher’s subjective position” and its structure and determined the organizational and managerial conditions for the development of the subjective position of the teacher. No works were found devoted to the analysis of the process of developing the subjective position of teachers in Trans-Baikal Territory; this fact determined the novelty of the study.

Discussion and conclusion. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of using the research results in the process of creating organizational and managerial conditions for the development of the subjective position of the teacher, taking into account regional characteristics. A promising direction is the use of the results to develop recommendations for improving the process of creating organizational and managerial conditions for the development of a system of scientific and methodological support for teaching staff and management personnel in the region.

Keywords: subjective position of the teacher, organizational and managerial conditions, scientific and methodological support

For citation: Zhambalova E.Ch. Approaches to Definition of the Concept “Subjective Position of the Teacher” and Organizational and Managerial Conditions for its Development Considering Regional Features. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (2): pp. 124-135 (In Rus.). DOI:


UDС: 37.02+37.08

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 03.03.2024, approved after review on 17.05.2024, and accepted for publication on 20.05.2024.

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