Regarding the Necessity of Supporting Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities (Intellectual Impairments)


Olga V. Karakulova, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education,, Tomsk State Pedagogical University

60 Kievskaya St, Tomsk, Russia, 634061, tel: +7 (3822) 311340, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Elena I. Loktionova, Director of Basic Secondary School for Students with Disabilities No. 45, Tomsk,

140/1 Irkutsk tract, Tomsk, Russia, 634040, tel: +7 (3822) 644099, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Galina A. Ivasenko, Deputy Director of Basic Secondary School for Students with Disabilities No. 45, Tomsk,

140/1 Irkutsk tract, Tomsk, Russia, 634040, tel: +7 (3822) 644099, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. The article explores the challenges faced by parents (legal representatives) when raising children with intellectual disabilities (intellectual impairments). Current trends in the education of children with disabilities are interaction with parents (legal representatives). At the same time, being in a difficult life situation, they cannot always assist their impaired child.

Materials and methods. The study used a method of interviewing parents (legal representatives) of children with intellectual disabilities (intellectual impairments). The survey included informative blocks revealing the parents’ (legal representatives’) level of knowledge about the education system of the region, the problems and challenges of upbringing and development of children with intellectual disabilities, and learning problems.

The results of the study. Analyzing all the data, it is safe to say that parents (legal representatives) are most interested in additional education of children, as well as free consultations and additional classes with speech pathologists, speech therapists, and psychologists. Parents are concerned about already formed problems in children (rudeness, aggression, fears, undesirable behavior, dependence on gadgets), and parents have a real request to correct the behavior of a child with an intellectual disability (intellectual impairment), to create conditions for the socialization of this category of children. Parents are concerned about low motivation to learn, low level of speech development, and insufficiently formed self-service skills. The experience of the school’s work with parents (legal representatives) to reduce the severity of current difficulties and to develop a unified educational trajectory for the student, taking into account their individual characteristics, is described. The educational organization provides the first and necessary psychological and pedagogical assistance, helping to solve difficult issues arising from the interaction of parents and children with intellectual disabilities.

Conclusion. This article combines the scientific substantiation of the research findings with the practical work of teachers of the school for children with disabilities. The survey results make it possible to strengthen the following areas of work of an educational organization with parents (legal representatives): formation of psychological and pedagogical competencies of parents (legal representatives) to establish harmonious child-parent relations through educational activities, acceptance of the characteristics of the child, the use of pedagogical technologies by parents in the development of life competencies, and self-service skills.

Keywords: intellectual disability (intellectual impairment), parents (legal representatives), school, education, upbringing

For citation: Karakulova O.V., Loktionova E.I., Ivasenko G.A. Regarding the Necessity of Supporting Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities (Intellectual Impairments). Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (3): pp. 347-363 (In Rus.). DOI:


UDС: 37.042(376.4)

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 09.07.2024, approved after review

on 30.07.2024, and accepted for publication on 05.08.2024.

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