Formation of Emotional Well-Being in Adolescents from Dysfunctional Families

Lyudmila I. Bochantseva, Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences and Humanities, 9597-7588, State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals

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Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of shaping emotional well-being in adolescents from dysfunctional families. The analysis of research has shown a discrepancy between the growing number of adolescents from dysfunctional, disorganized, and problematic families with obvious manifestations of emotional distress and the need of society for the harmonious development of the younger generation. The study of the peculiarities of the emotional well-being of adolescents from dysfunctional families and the search for effective psychological means of its formation emphasizes the relevance of the problem. The purpose of this study is to state a problem and identify approaches to studying the process of shaping the emotional well-being of adolescents from dysfunctional families.

Materials and Methods. Teenagers raised in dysfunctional families are the object of our research. The subject of the study is the process of shaping the emotional well–being of adolescents from dysfunctional families. Taking into account the identified problem and goal, the following tasks were solved: to analyze the state of the problem of emotional well-being of a person in the scientific literature; to identify the features of the emotional well-being of adolescents from dysfunctional families; to theoretically substantiate and empirically test the effectiveness of psychological training with elements of art therapy aimed at shaping emotional well-being in adolescents from dysfunctional families. A set of psychodiagnostics techniques was used to identify the features of emotional well-being in adolescents. A nonparametric method of statistical analysis is used - the criterion of G signs.

Results. The results of the theoretical study of the psychological, subjective and emotional well-being of the individual are presented, the key components and indicators of child well-being are analyzed. The specificity of the manifestations of emotional well-being of adolescents from dysfunctional families is described. It is emphasized that the psychological atmosphere of dysfunctional families, the lack of harmony and support in relationships negatively affect the psycho-emotional and behavioral spheres of a teenager. The results of an empirical study on the implementation of a training program using elements of art therapyas a psychological method for the formation of emotional well-being of adolescents from dysfunctional families are presented.

Discussion and Conclusion. The implemented program made it possible to improve the indicators of emotional well-being in adolescents. The data obtained may be of interest to specialists in the field of psychology, pedagogy, and social work for accompanying children.

Keywords: emotional well-being, adolescents, formation, emotional distress, dysfunctional

families, problem families

For citation: Bochantseva L.I. Formation of Emotional Well-Being in Adolescents from Dysfunctional Families. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (3): pp. 395-409 (In Rus.). DOI:


UDС: 159.922.8:376.63

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 23.07.2024, approved after review on 12.08.2024, and accepted for publication on 15.08.2024.

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