Strategic Thinking of Novice Heads of Educational Organizations as a Pedagogical Phenomenon


Аnzhela A. Golovko, Head of the Department of Education, the Committee on Social Policy and Culture of Irkutsk City Administration,

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Abstract. Introduction. The relevance of the problem under study lies in the need to rethink the issues of strategic thinking in line with the application of the approach in the management of an educational organization. The definition of strategic thinking as one of the key competencies of the head of the educational organizations poses new challenges to professional education, including the search for technologies, tools and methods of training the personnel reserve of the education system.

Materials and methods. The purpose of the work is to analyze the strategic thinking of novice heads of educational organizations from the standpoint of theoretical approaches to under- standing this phenomenon. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach that allows the most in-depth consideration of the phenomenon under study. As methods of research a set of general scientific methods is applied: analysis, synthesis, deduction, generalization. The theoretical basis of the work is the works of domestic and foreign authors who develop the concept of strategic development of the organization, as well as the idea of strategic thinking as a component of strategic management.

Results. As the results of the study showed, the problem is relevant, but it has not been worked out in Russian science. The need to develop strategic thinking is undeniable, but its formation is associated with a number of problematic aspects, which are related to the complexity of measuring skills, as well as the search for the most effective methods of their formation. It is necessary to develop a model of strategic thinking, as well as ways to apply it in practice in an educational organization.

Discussion and conclusion. The problem of strategic thinking of a novice head of an educational organization is one of the new directions in rethinking the theory of strategic management. Continuing to work on this problem requires the development of practical techniques that contribute to the development of strategic thinking of novice heads of the education system.

Keywords: strategic thinking, education, education management, concepts of strategic thinking, model of strategic thinking

For citation: Golovko A.A. Strategic Thinking of Novice Heads of Educational Organizations as a Pedagogical Phenomenon. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (4). Pp. 499-510. (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 37.08

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 28.10.2024, approved after review on 07.11.2024, and accepted for publication on 10.11.2024.

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