Research on the Possibilities of Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies in Young People (Based on the Results of a Survey of Students of Professional Educational Organizations of Irkutsk Region)


Tatiana G. Kalugina, Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Education,, Institute for the Development of Education of the Irkutsk region

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Abstract. Introduction. The article explores the problems of developing entrepreneurial competencies in students of professional educational organizations (PEO). Definitions of the concept of “entrepreneurial competence” are given. Variety of research approaches to this issue is shown. The relevance of the issues related to the importance of developing the entrepreneurial potential of young people both for the Russian economy in general and for improving the quality of training of the PEO students is demonstrated. One of the tasks of professional education is to train professionals capable of creating innovations and managing entrepreneurial projects. The results of a study based on the data acquired from site analysis, as well as a survey of PEO students in Irkutsk region are shown. The study was carried out in the fall of 2023 as part of the activities of the Institute for the Development of Education of Irkutsk region.

Materials and Methods. It is indicated that in order to identify the specifics of the development of entrepreneurial competencies of students, as well as relevant forms of PEO work, it is necessary to study the opinions of the students themselves. 3,338 people took part in the PEO surveys of Irkutsk region; the questionnaire included 20 questions and was intended to assess the attitude of students to entrepreneurship as a possible career trajectory, as well as their vision of the possibilities of developing entrepreneurial competencies in the framework of educational organizations. The study also comprised an analysis of PEO sites to estimate the presence of disciplines in educational programs aimed at developing entrepreneurial competencies and other materials of the similar subject.

Results. The results of the study showed the interest of students of PEO of Irkutsk region to develop their entrepreneurial competencies. Their willingness to gain knowledge, skills in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as to develop personal qualities necessary for managing business projects was revealed. Taking into account the results of the study, the most effective forms of work of colleges in the direction of developing entrepreneurial competencies were identified, in particular, it can mean the inclusion of special “entrepreneurial” disciplines in the educational process, the attracting of students to the work of educational and production complexes, educational firms, etc.

Discussion and Conclusion. There is the need for more targeted and systematic actions to develop entrepreneurial competencies at the PEO of Irkutsk region and the inclusion of such actions at both educational and extracurricular processes. It is also promising to study the possibilities to develop the entrepreneurial projects of PEO students within the framework of mastered professions and specialties.

Keywords: Secondary vocational education, entrepreneurial competencies, student survey, Irkutsk region

For citation: Kalugina T. G. Research on the Possibilities of Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies in Young People (Based on the Results of a Survey of Students of Professional Educational Organizations of Irkutsk Region). Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (4). Pp. 511-525. (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 377

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 07.10.2024, approved after review on 28.10.2024, and accepted for publication on 30.10.2024.

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