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- Created: Wednesday, 08 February 2017 02:21
- Last Updated: Friday, 08 July 2022 07:38
- Published: Wednesday, 08 February 2017 02:21
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 808
1. The editorial board of the scientific and practical journal “Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH / Pedagogical IMAGE” (further – journal) is guided by the international rules of copyright protection, standards of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, and the international publishing standards and generally excepted ethical standards, established by the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
2. The journal policy guarantees the independent and careful process of reviewing article; respect the author’s personal rights and copyright. The publication ethics is obligatory for all participants: the publisher, authors, editors, reviewers, the editorial board members.
3. The publisher of the journal – State Autonomous Institution for Supplementary Professional Education of Irkutsk Region “Institute of Education Development of Irkutsk Region” – has a the gratuitous right to publish the submitted article and posting it on the website of the journal (http://journal.iro38.ru/) and on the official website of the Scientific electronic library (http://elibrary.ru/). The author owns a copyright on the article and it is provided by the editor's and author's agreement.
4. Signing the author's agreement, the author allows the processing of personal data.
5. Articles applied for publication in the journal should be done in a full compliance with the “Guide for manuscript submission and publication in the scientific and practical journal Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH / Pedagogical IMAGE”, contain the author(s) personal data (affiliation, position, phone number, e-mail address) which will be published on the journal and website of the journal and in the scientometrical database as well.
6. The author who presents the writing staff of the submitted article should guarantee that every member is noted as a co-author of the paper, approved of the final version of the article and agreed to publish it. Every co-author should be responsible for the content, urgency, originality, scientific novelty, information accuracy, style, the quality of the translation into English the information about the authors, key words, abstract, etc.
7. The Editorial board does not accept the articles which have been presented in other journals and which have been published before. The article can be submitted to the journal after the publication of preliminary results (theses, etc.) presented at the scientific conferences.
8. Any plagiarism is not allowed. An author should avoid self-plagiarism and excessive citing. If the parts of the article have been published before the author(s) should refer to it and put the publication to the reference.
9. When using the works or words of the other authors they should be accompanied by references or citations.
10. If the parts of the article were published in the other periodical edition or book, which owns the copyright on this publication, the authors are responsible for getting a permit for a new publication.
11. The article is reviewed by an expert whose name is not disclosed
12. The Editorial board provides the fair and objective process of reviewing, independent of commercial interests and conjuncture requirements, civil, religious and political views, nationality, rank and official position of the author.
13. The reviewer’s decision on every manuscript should be argumentative, the personal criticism the author is not allowed.
14. Based on the opinion of independent reviewer (s) the Editorial Board makes a decision about acceptance or non-acceptance of an article for publication. The editorial board has the right to withdraw the article without reviewing if it is of the low quality, breaks publication ethics, contains insults and slander, is not in accordance with “Guide for manuscript submission and publication in the scientific and practical journal «Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH»”.
15. The Editorial board should protect the integrity of articles, respect the author’s opinion, stop attempts of copyright violation in the course of citing and using other objects of the copyright.
16. The author should cooperate with the Editorial board for improvement, reduction or supplement their articles in accordance with the comments of the reviewer, as well as to correct these errors and inaccuracies.
17. The editor-in-chief should pursue a policy of preventing and regulating the editorial conflicts.
18. The Editorial Board is forbidden to disclose any information about submitted articles to anyone except the reviewers, editorial board members and editor.
19. The Editorial board considers the claims of violations of publication ethics. If the arguments of the claim confirm, the Editorial board has the right to deny the author to the further cooperation.
20. If it is necessary to amend the text, to refute anything or apology, the Editorial board is ready to publish them in the journal.
21. If the author finds out any mismatches in his manuscript after printing, the Editorial Board provides relevant amendments to the electronic version of the magazine, published on the website of the website of the journal.
22. Reprinting, all kinds of copying and reproducing the materials published in the journal, is allowed only with the written permission of the publisher.
23. If it is necessary, the consideration of claims to the ethical aspects of the materials published in the journal the publisher provides the Editorial board with legal assistance.