Theoretical Substantiation of the Terms «Self-education», «Professional Education» of Primary School Teacher
Oksana Nikolaevna
Deputy Director for Educational Work
Cheremkhovo Pedagogical College
2 Sovetskaya St, Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk Region, 665413
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Abstract. The article substantiates the concepts "self-education", "professional self-education" from the point of view of psychological and pedagogical knowledge. On the basis of theoretical generalization of the literature the author refines the term "professional self-education", and shows the role of self-education in the professional and personal development of primary school teachers.
Keywords: continuing education, self-education, professional self-education, selfhood, professional and personal development.
For citation:. Mashchenko O. N. Theoretical Substantiation of the Terms «Self-education», «Professional Education» of Primary School Teacher. Pedagogical IMAGE, 2018, no 1 (38), рр. 163–172.
UDС: 374.1+370.187.1
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