Upbringing in the System of Literary Education: an Axiological Turn


Nina P. Terentieva, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor of the Literature and Literature Teaching Methods Department, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1386-6116, South Ural State Humanities Pedagogical University

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Abstract. Introduction. The paper analyzes the approaches to upbringing in the system of literary education in terms of pedagogical axiology. The research aims to analyze the axiological turn in teaching literature at school, which supports upbringing as a subsystem of literary education, and to contribute to its understanding.

Materials and methods. The research relies on the axiological (value) approach to teaching literature and the holistic concept of literary education axiologization justifi ed by the author. It focuses on the systematic modernization of approaches to upbringing through the value-based self-determination of school readers. The current sources that determine the content of literary education – an Approximate literature program (2021), a textbook of literature for elementary school, materials on the literature of the digital platform “SberClass” - are analyzed emphasizing the traditions and achievements of contemporary methodological science, which testify to the axiological turn in the methodology”.

Results. The scientifi c methodological and cultural sources, exemplary syllabus, and educational resources have been analyzed. The analysis indicates that solving the traditional problem of upbringing in the system of literary education is associated with its axiologization. There is a contradiction between the state of methodological science, the substantiation of psychological mechanisms of students’ value-based self-determination, methodological tools

supporting the process of mastering spiritual and moral values, patriotic upbringing, and the conservative content of the exemplary literature syllabus, methodological tools of textbooks. At the same time, the precedents that confi rm the manifestations of the axiological turn in practical methodology and its resources stimulating the process of upbringing a personality have been analyzed and described.

Conclusion: The given examples, which are of precedent nature, prove the relevance and real possibility of an axiological turn in the teaching literature methodology, upgrading the approaches to upbringing, and the possibility of systemic changes. This trend has a social signifi cance. Its neglect turns into disastrous formalism and stagnation in the fi eld of literary education and upbringing.

Keywords: axiology, value, axiologization of literary education, axiological turn, upbringing, value-based self-determination, tradition, innovation

For citation: Terentieva N. P. Upbringing in the System of Literary Education: an Axiological Turn. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2022; 16(1):142-154. (In Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.32343/2409-5052-2022-16-2-142-154

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DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2022-16-2- 142-154

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