General educational skills for vocational training of adolescents and adults with severe multiple developmental disorders: analysis and development of recommendations in the context of training


Alina I. Salakhetdinova, Junior Researcher,, Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education

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Abstract. Introduction. The paper describes the process of labor training of students with severe multiple developmental disorders (SMDD), presents the results of an empirical study of general educational skills necessary to receive vocational training for people with SMDD, and provides methodological recommendations to overcome the main developmental deficiencies and provide successful organization of vocational training.

Materials and methods. The specific features of the college education for 17-35-year old students with severe multiple developmental disorders, who study under the programs “Mosaicist of monumental and decorative painting” and “Weaver,” are examined with the focus on the specificity and level of development of general educational skills necessary for vocational training.

Research results. The specific general educational skills necessary for the organization of vocational training are determined, and their specific features in students with SMDD are described in detail.

Discussion and conclusion. The developed methodological recommendations can be useful for specialists working with people with SMDD at different stages of their learning. They allow focusing on the difficulties that prevent the development of substantive activity in people of this category. The proposed recommendations also make it possible to create pedagogical conditions for their more effective training to ensure comprehensive development of this category of people, which contributes to their further integration into society and socialization in general.

Keywords: students with severe multiple developmental disorders, special education, vocational training

For citation: Salakhetdinova A. I. General educational skills for vocational training of adolescents and adults with severe multiple developmental disorders: analysis and development of recommendations in the context of training. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2022; 16(4): 426-436. (In Russ.). DOI: 5052-2022-16-4-426-436

DOI: 5052-2022-16-4-426-436

UDС: 376.43

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