Scientific and Methodological Support for Teachers’ Methodological Associations: from Modeling to Implementation


Anna V. Molokova, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor,, Novosibirsk Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers

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Abstract. Introduction. Continuity of professional development of teachers is a priority task, and the organizations of additional professional pedagogical education are a part of the solution. Traditional advanced training for teachers during the development of additional profession- al programs once every three years does not produce a significant and lasting effect if the teacher does not receive the support of like-minded people when returning to the workplace. Scientific and methodological support for methodological associations at the municipal and institutional levels is one of the conditions for the effectiveness of their activities.

Materials and methods. Based on the methodology of system-activity, competence-based and andragogical approaches, the process of scientific and methodological support for municipal methodological associations of teaching staff was modeled in the Novosibirsk region. Its goal is to provide conditions for professional interaction of teachers in such associations (under the direction of their leaders) to improve the quality of professional activity, taking into account the federalization of content and educational regulations. To determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the model, methods such as participant observation, questioning and interviewing the heads of municipal methodological associations, analysis and interpretation of the results were used. The survey data of methodological leaders – heads of methodological associations at the municipal level are presented in the article.

Results. The model of scientific and methodological support for municipal methodological associations, developed with the author’s participation, elaborates on the interaction of subjects in the education system, and vertical and horizontal links between them. Its testing confirms the adequacy of the choice of methodological basis and makes it possible to achieve some effects in the professional development of teacher leaders elected to be the heads of methodological associations, as well as in the improvement of the competencies of specialists providing scientific and methodological support to these associations. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of the questioning of methodological association leaders confirms the hypothesis about the optimality of the developed model as a tool for scientific and methodological support for municipal teachers’ methodological associations. Conclusion. Potential opportunities for further development of the regional model of scientific and methodological support for municipal methodological associations lie in the integration of the practice of its implementation into the structure of the regional segment of the unified federal system of scientific and methodological support for teaching staff, scaling at other levels of the education system.

Keywords: teaching staff, municipal methodological associations, model, scientific and methodological support

For citation: Molokova A.V. Scientific and Methodological Support for Teachers’ Methodological Associations: from Modeling to Implementation. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2023; 17 (4): pp. 538-547 (In Rus.). DOI: 5052-2023-17-4-538-547

DOI: 5052-2023-17-4-538-547

UDС: 37.08

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