Rethinking the Value of Distance Learning in Additional Professional Education of Medical Specialists


Svetlana M. Gorbacheva, Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Professor, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs,, Head of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education – Branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education

100 Yubileiny m/r, Irkutsk, Russia, 664049, tel: +7 (3952) 465326, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Marina A. Alferova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogical and Information Technologies,, Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education – Branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional


100 Yubileiny m/r, Irkutsk, Russia, 664049, tel: +7 (3952) 465326, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Andrey P. Nogin, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogical and Information Technologies,, Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education – Branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education

100 Yubileiny m/r, Irkutsk, Russia, 664049, tel: +7 (3952) 465326, sm-nogin@\


Introduction. Currently, in additional professional education for healthcare professionals, alongside traditional forms of training, distance learning is being practiced. The research presented in this article aims to identify the significance and relevance of distance learning in continuing medical education and to answer the question of whether the demand for new educational technologies in the professional environment of healthcare workers will persist after the pandemic. The article seeks to demonstrate the readiness of learners and their receptivity to distance learning, as well as to identify the conditions under which DL is beneficial and even necessary in the training of established professionals.

Materials and Methods. The authors of the article conducted practical research. In order to further enhance and modernize the educational process, it is intended to investigate how listeners perceive this new method of arranging distant learning. A systematic approach was applied in the study, analyzing various aspects and sides of the listeners’ readiness for distance work in mastering the professional educational program. As the most appropriate research method, a survey was utilized within the framework of the organized educational process at the distance learning platform of the Academy. For some students and teachers, it served as a simultaneous acquisition and learning of new pedagogical experience. Since “the effectiveness of the survey largely depends on the content of the questions asked”, the questionnaires were developed in accordance with the rules and stages of their creation. The study examined the results of the surveys conducted during the academic semester from September to January 2023.

Research Results. Distance learning in continuing medical education is valid and in demand. Furthermore, it will advance due to the growing digitization of many facets of society life and the continuous development of information technology.

Discussion and Conclusion. Since distance learning is relevant and will be in demand for medical professionals based on the research findings, it is required to reevaluate crucial issues such as providing flexible individual training and work schedules for specialists studying without interrupting their practical work in the continuing professional education system and at the management level of medical organizations making decisions about training specialists.

Keywords. Continuing professional education, distance learning, distance educational technologies, distance learning technologies, distance learning system, medical education, Irkutsk State Medical Postgraduate Academy

For citation: Gorbacheva S.M., Alferova M.A., Nogin A.P. Rethinking the Value of Distance Learning in Additional Professional Education of Medical Specialists. Pedagogicheskiy IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (3): pp. 364-380 (In Rus.). DOI: https://doi. org/10.32343/2409-5052-2024-18-3-364-380

DOI: 10.32343/2409-5052-2024-18-3-364-380

UDС: 378.046.4:61:004

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 09.07.2024, approved after review on 29.08.2024, and accepted for publication on 10.09.2024.

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