Comparative Study of Initiative of Younger Schoolchildren in Learning and in Free Activity


Galina A. Mishina, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Head of the Department of Special Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy,, Institute of Correctional Pedagogy

1 Bld, 8 Pogodinskaya St, Moscow, Russia, 119121, tel: +7 (499) 2450452, mishina@ikp

IIrina V. Dovolnova, Independent Researcher,

Moscow, Russia, tel: +7 (499) 2450452, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction. State initiatives in the field of education and culture aims to develop a pro- active, independent and responsible individual, capable of artistic creation, constructive dialogue, taking a proactive position that allows non-standard solutions in the changing conditions of the modern world. There are contradictions between the social order of society and the presence of passivity, individualism of modern children. Teachers and parents are interested in the technology of developing child’s basic personal characteristics. Currently, there are two main approaches to the conditions for developing a child’s personality: learning process and free time activity. Our study focused on studying the initiative of younger students in free time activity - in a situation of favorite activity at home and during recess. The data was compared with the results of studying initiative in learning process.

Methods. The study used the method of indirect observation, the method of scale assessment, statistical methods (the Shapiro-Wilk agreement criterion, the Wilcoxon difference criterion).

Results. The study showed that the high-initiative younger students had significantly higher indicators of initiative in the learning process and in free time activity at home than in recess; the low and medium initiative younger students had significantly lower indicators of initiative in learning process than in free time activity at home and in conditions of recess. There are also differences in the choice of activities and the form of their organization in free time activity.

Conclusion. The results of the study allowed us to outline important points for the personal development of younger schoolchildren: firstly, the presence of free independent activity filled with meaningful content and organized on the child’s own initiative; secondly, an increase in the indicators of educational initiative, an important condition for the development of which is the personality of the teacher who organizes the educational environment.

Keywords: initiative, learning, free time activity, conditions for the development of initiative, younger school age

For citation: Mishina G.A., Dovolnova I.V. Comparative Study of Initiative of Younger Schoolchildren in Learning and in Free Activity. IMIDZH = Pedagogical IMAGE. 2024; 18 (4). Pp. 543-556. (In Russ.). DOI:


UDС: 159.9.07

The article was submitted to the editorial office on 24.09.2024, approved after review on 10.12.2024, and accepted for publication on 12.12.2024.

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